Sorry fellas, cant this one as I am in hospital, nothing too serious.

Just caught this thread. Only time I've been anywhere for medical treatment that "wasn't too serious" turned out to be bloody unpleasant and painful. Whoever said a vasectomy don't hurt mustn't have had one. Hope you get over your visit quicker than I got over that.
**** thats the only ride ive missed in three years
was at a dora show with my 4 year old
get well soon buddy see ya on another one
That'l teach ya !!!! Mitch

Hey Keep up the fight Mittzy we want to see you well an fighting fit and meet you in September
Thanks fellas, Richard my vasectomy was painless - you lucked out mate.
I am home now and fairly well recovered, I was in for treatment for a life long disease called Diverticulitis (intestine infection) fixed with intravenous antibiotics.

Mitch hopefully the next MOM.
That'l teach ya !!!! Mitch

Hey Keep up the fight Mittzy we want to see you well an fighting fit and meet you in September

I hope to make that trip- that's also my busiest month at work too, we will see
Hope you all had a great day sorry i couldnt be there but i had a few to many drinks at the John Wayne Parr fight last night and woke rather green lol
catch u all on the next one

Appologys to Bruce if u showed up mate sorry for the no show was still three qauters pissed this morning.

On a better note though The mighty 9 times world champ did Australia proud ending the fight in the fourth in spectacular fashion
Mitch??? rode just over 500klm today no sign of Mitch was a good day cool crisp air up on the great dividing range had those internal combustion engines running nice.
EOM July sunday 29th

Eom Packrats ride sunday July 29th

Meeting at BP 'The Gap' 850 Waterworks Road ( opp Ashrove Golf Course) at 8 am for a 8.30 departure.
Heading- Mt Nebo, Mt Glorious, Somerset, Kilcoy for 1st stop.
From Kilcoy,Bald Knob ( maybe a stop to soak up the view) Montville, Hunchy (Razorback Rd), Kiel Mountain Rd to Maroochydore Surf Club for Lunch. Various plans for the ride home but will be discussed over lunch overlooking the ocean.....

The roads today were in reasonable condition and was surprised how good Mt Nebo & Glorious was (very little debri/leaves on the road). Obviously a few potholes along the way but best advice is to stick to the middle of the road.

Nebo & Glorious will be ridden at a comfortable pace and those that want to push harder can meet everyone else at a re- group at the bottom of Glorious before we turn right to head to Somerset.
Eom Packrats ride sunday 26th August

E.O.M August

Just a short social ride, roughly 280 Klms, start at Springfield Lakes Maccas, out to Boonah, cross over to
Aratula via Mt Alford and Moogerah, Aratula to Rosevale, There's about 6.8 klm of dirt in this section but it's
OK taken steady. I did it at 60-80 klm per hr no worries. It'll be good just to experience something different.
Rosevale, Rosewood, Laidley, Mulgowie, for lunch and back to the motorcycle museum to finish.
The views out of Aratula to Rosevale are something to see.

Depart Springfield 9.30 am Sunday the 26th of August.
