Electronical weirdness!


Aug 18, 2012
Kansas City
05 Rocket III
So, bike's been sitting for a week or so with cold wet weather. This week has been warm and nice so I took it to meet a client Monday. The year old Duracell battery struggled to start after only a week idle but it did finally catch. Gave it a minute to warm up and then, like a doofus, forgot the kick stand was down so popped it into first and killed it. It fired right back up but, as I'm rolling down the road, I realize the turn signals are not working - nor is the tach. Speedo and fuel gauge are fine, and it's running fine, so I went on to my meeting using hand signals. Figured I was in for a frustrating diagnostic session when I got home. Met with my client then when I fired it up to go home, every thing worked normally.

The only thing I can figure is the shade of Joseph Lucas was a couple days late for a trick or treat haunt which, no surprise there (especially doing it during the day).
Probably just the ECU had a hiccup with the low voltage and then the abrupt shutdown when you killed it w/ the side stand. Computers are finnicky about that sort of thing! I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you keep having issues.