electrical problem

Rick has a point. When you hook the cable to the laptop do you here the dedonk sound of it recognizing the cable? And is the laptop set to USB for the cable communications.

yep, laptop detects the cable just fine. all measures has been done on the laptop side. still nothing.
I'm reminded of the adage, check the easy things first.

One time long ago, with a 1971 Jaguar E-Type Series III, I replaced the starter twice, before realizing it was the $12 relay.

i hope it just the relays, but i already swapped all the relays to one another to check if it just a bad relay, nothing. it clicks if i cycle the ignition on and off, also checked continuity and voltage, all are ok.
its just on the ecu side i think. not unless there's still components it goes thru before the ecu that prohibits the ecu from getting power. i checked battery, fuse box, relay, ignition connectors. all with connections and same voltages as the battery. i even measured the voltage of fuel pump connector to see if it is getting power, for what i recall it only has about 5-6v on one of the leads.

There are a bunch of them for sale on Ebay.

Just throwing out some ideas to try before you spend a lot on a new ECM:

1. Windows 10 with Tuneecu is 2.5.8 with latest library and Auto-detect selected, interface=USB - sounds like they are if it used to work.
2. Is laptop plugged into power?
3. Ensure battery terminals are very tight and Hook up a battery tender.
4. Pull headlight fuse even if you have a bypass.
5. Try different combinations -
- key off, tuneecu started fresh, key on.
- Cable disconnected, turn Key on, hookup cable, start tuneecu.
- Manually disconnect, turn key off and back on and manually reconnect.
6. Is the map last loaded into tuneecu the correct one for your bike? It shouldn't matter for a connection but can't hurt and needed for next step.
7. Did you try to do a ECM Recovery? Not sure if that is selectable if you can't communicate but maybe it can force a reload of a good known map...
8. With the key off, disconnect and reconnect the ECM cables.
9. On my 2005 there was a separate small cable coming off the positive terminal going under the RIGHT side cover and connecting to a wire
running under the ECM (To fusebox #11 = main 30amp ).
That POS 25 cent connector was bad and caused random shutdowns.
Check that connection. Maybe the recent work has messed it up.
It cost me lots of aggravation, $$$ and lost riding time (dealer had bike 6 months and couldn't find the issue).
10. Do you have any buddies there with a Rocket? Try your OBD cable/Tuneecu SW setup on their bike to see if you can connect.

PS. I miss Olongapo & Baguio City!
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I found this in the service manual. It seems that pin A20 is connected to the ECM relay, so there should be 12V there? I'm not an electrician, so I might look at it too simple...


thanks for the tips, ill try them out one by one first thing tomorrow.

1.i have the latest tuneecu, both windows and android version, both wont connect. i even tried using my other obd2 scan tool which also worked before, it also wouldnt connect now.
2.laptop is always plugged.
3.battery always hooked up on a tender while working.
4.i havnt pulled the headlight fuse since i had the headlight relay mod done. then the problem came up so i tried pulling the fuse but to no avail.
5.ill try this tomorrow.
6.yes, correct map for my classic.
7.i tried doing the ecm recovery, it would initiate but wouldnt push through since it isnt detecting the ecu.
8.tried it already
9.ill check them out tomorrow
10.nope, not a single soul. lol. theres not a single triumph dealership. ill try different brands though such as ktm, ducs.
May have already done this and I just missed it . Have you tried plugging in with a plain old generic OBDII code reader and see if that will connect?