Electrical plugs under Rocket III Touring tank

Hi Joe, as per another post, I don’t know actual date of manufacture but my registration papers list the build date as 2018...
Hi Bill,

Yes well my rego papers say 2018... actual time built who knows.... anyway I can check?

What's the 10th digit is the VIN? The rego might be different where you are . If that is the letter I it would be 2018 production. H is 2017 .G 2016 etc. Down to A which is 2010
Also tag on left down tube should have date of manufacture on it.
What's the 10th digit is the VIN? The rego might be different where you are . If that is the letter I it would be 2018 production. H is 2017 .G 2016 etc. Down to A which is 2010
Ok so on my finance contract it lists the VIN as: SMTTLC3735J842289

Will check the sticker on bike and get back to you
Well that settles it -- Touring was made right into 2018. Thank you !

And just for fun, a photo of the bike ?
In this neck of the woods that would make it a 2015 production year.
US VIN system similar but not the same as UK Australia and NZ usage. For starters the year character/digit is not the same sequence in line.


Bingo 2018

How to Identify bike model from VIN Number in UK

The 10th to 17th positions are used as the 'vehicle identifier section' (VIS). This is used by the manufacturer to identify the individual vehicle in question.
USA/Canada 10th is year, UK/Europe 11th is year. This is Model year not actual production date. My 2010 model Roadster with an 'A' for 2010 was issued it's VIN in Dec 2009 (12/2009) as marked on my VIN plate.

I believe (12/2009) is most probably the date it enters Triumph factory inventory as a bike destined for a particular market NOT the date it was actually assembled.

BMW typically makes all the following years models from September the previous year.

For Triumph motorcycles 12th-17th is a sequential 6 digit number.

Your 11th character, the digit 6, is 2006 model year in UK / Europe ISO Standard 3779 system used in Europe and many other parts of the world. Mine is A for 2010.

Date year code is the 10th character for USA / Canada FMVSS 115, Part 565 system.

This character can be either a digit or an Alpha character

Code = Year
A = 1980 L = 1990 Y = 2000 A = 2010 L = 2020 Y = 2030
B = 1981 M = 1991 1 = 2001 B = 2011 M = 2021 1 = 2031
C = 1982 N = 1992 2 = 2002 C = 2012 N = 2022 2 = 2032
D = 1983 P = 1993 3 = 2003 D = 2013 P = 2023 3 = 2033
E = 1984 R = 1994 4 = 2004 E = 2014 R = 2024 4 = 2034
F = 1985 S = 1995 5 = 2005 F = 2015 S = 2025 5 = 2035
G = 1986 T = 1996 6 = 2006 G = 2016 T = 2026 6 = 2036
H = 1987 V = 1997 7 = 2007 H = 2017 V = 2027 7 = 2037
J = 1988 W = 1998 8 = 2008 J = 2018 W = 2028 8 = 2038
K = 1989 X = 1999 9 = 2009 K = 2019 X = 2029 9 = 2039
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