Electrical drama

mr hunt

Living Legend
Apr 23, 2013
Perth, WA
2013 Roadster
From a cold start she fired up as normal. Reversing and turned the bars hard left she cut out. Same again about 20 minutes later pulling in to a car park.

Started up fine and I rode home. Seems that I turn the bars left and at a certain point it cuts out. If I swing the bars hard back and forth she'll stumble but not stall as it swings by the same point.

Not sure if it happens pulling down right and I can't be ****ed going to check.

Any ideas?
I've heard on the old fer's like mine, the power wire on the ignition will come un-soldered. That was the reason for the Eastern Beaver set up. I thought that got resolved on the newer ones. Could just be a wire in the harness where it passes by the steering neck, has been bent one to many times. Does everything cut out, like your headlights ? Do your gages re-sweep ?
I've heard on the old fer's like mine, the power wire on the ignition will come un-soldered. That was the reason for the Eastern Beaver set up. I thought that got resolved on the newer ones. Could just be a wire in the harness where it passes by the steering neck, has been bent one to many times. Does everything cut out, like your headlights ? Do your gages re-sweep ?

Just tried again and this time I got the re-sweep and the lights came on again
If it was shorting it would blow a fuse. I'm thinking bad connection, bad earth, or a wire that has broken inside the plastic sheath. The fact that everything dies may make it somewhat easier. It's gotta be in the main power wire or kill switch I'm thinking. If you wiggle the ignition key can you replicate the problem ?
...and let me be more specific...It I turn the bars and leave them left everything stays dead. If I move the bars back the gauges re-sweep and we all have an icecream