
Mar 11, 2015
Dothan, Alabama
2014 Roadster, 2020 Rocket GT
Anybody have an ECM for a 2014 Roadster laying around that I can purchase? Don't ask why I need one, but NEVER let your positive cable disconnect from the positive battery post while engine is running or you will be looking for another ECM!
OMG!!!!! :eek: :(
Are you absolutely positive the ECU is fried?
Sure hope you're able to find a quick fix!
OMG!!!!! :eek: :(
Are you absolutely positive the ECU is fried?

Sure hope you're able to find a quick fix!
Not 100% sure. Everything seems to work as designed except the injection system. Hit the starter button and the injectors go full open, dumping a cup of fuel into the engine within a second or two starter engage time. Seems the injector interrupt sequencer is not sending the proper signal to the injectors to close. I will try a soft ECU reset and if not cured, a hard reset, and if not cured looks like another ECU as I don't know what else could cause this to happen to the injectors. All this because I failed to properly secure the positive lead on the battery post!
u might try to check them one side should be hot on three of them the other leg should be each grounded by the ecu. hot side 12 volts.the ground side could be checked with a tester lite it will flash as ecu grounds. however if u check and it is grounded all the time u might have a shorted wire to ground.
best check might be: check ohms on injectors and then get three resistor the same amount and pull the connectors and use the resistors to simulate the injectors then u would be able to monitor the system while cranking without filling your cylinders with gas.
also i would just turn the ign on and monitor the ground side of each injector.
ecu is going to cost $$$ u can do a lot of checking.