Easy brackets with harbor freight panniers (photos)

River Road has water resistant bags that may fit inside.
Sorry those bags and trunk just don't match the style of the bike (in my opinion). I always look for accessories that are both practical and add/match the look of the bike.
I really like alternative solutions to issues like this. As soon as one goes looking for panniers, all of a sudden a freaking box becomes worth a fortune! If I were doing what you're doing though I would be looking for answers to a few basic questions: 1) Are they weather-proof? 2) Do they look good on my bike? 3) Are they functional? I personally don't care for the look, but hey, that's just me. I have a champagne appetite with a beer income. You did good if you are happy, and that is all that matters my friend.
Real function over form has it's own sort of beauty, and on that, those things are perfect!