Dyno tune weirdness

I am running the taller tire and I removed the Tune ECU correction. The speedometer is now pretty close. The Innovate only displays air/fuel and does nothing else. I think I can data log with it attached to a laptop. My GPS speed closely matches the odometer.

Ah, I see that 20222_2SA map in the TuneECU sites custom tunes list - I have not used that one but from the description it has been worked on a lot in Africa.

I misspoke - I used the one directly below that and its base was 20227/8 I believe. I have a Hanso map on my 2015 Roadster.
Power-Tripp Jardine 3xK&NRU-2780a.hex
There are other tunes in the Resources tab above in this forumn that are tried-and-true.

I didn't do a map comparison between yours and the Tripp one but it would be interesting to see if there were any major deviations or if the later maps are closer to "optimal"...
Ok first if the speedo is correct then the odometer is off. When new the speedo is about 5 percent off and the speedo is correct. Inovate makes some nice stuff could be it records and when you done you can link the laptop to down load like the Wego. Mine once I set the air fuel ratio it would suggest the needed changes in the fueling map. Coming full circle for me. Before Tune ECU, before pcv and its auto tune. I used to use tune boy, wego, polish autotune.

Ah the old days on my 06
The short answer is cruise tuning. All it takes is a small amount of headwind or slighly faster and if your cruise tuning range isn’t or doesn’t accommodate and the bike will be running rich. Just my thoughts without knowing much more about your tune.

My bike pulls 40+mpg at 75mph. But add some headwind and it drops mid 30’s. Mines spent significant time on the chassis dyno to get it this good.

Ask your tuner to broaden your cruise power range.
He tuned 20% and down 14:1 and above 20% 13.3:1 so the cruise range is pretty wide open.