Dream Bike Build Competition OCC

Thanks guys, I am still #1 in my group. Six days to go.

I am seeing names I do not recognized voting for me and the cause; feels quite good!
I am nursing a bad bicep right now, but I hope to begin conditioning for another swim this summer. Much shorter this time but for the same cause.

Here is a picture from 14 June 2017 with me and Kermit heading south on Chesapeake Bay.
I don't do FB, but my bride does and I sent her the link.
Done Good luck
I have not been able to conduct any public speaking about preventing suicide this year due to the C-19 matter. However, I expect I will have the opportunity to once more address various groups to talk about why I did the long swim or the shorter 17 mile swim the year before. When I win this OCC bike, I will use it to help spread the message of this very important mission.

The picture below is me coming out of the water after completing day two of the long swim in 2017. I was told later by several people that they did not expect I would show up for day two let alone finish it; that it was just too much for a middle-aged fat man to do. The pictures does show how tired I was at that moment. After all, I had swam 29 miles in two days at this point. But the mission calls for endurance, and I still have that on my side. (And of course a positive frog to push me along)
I asked the folks running the competition today how many groups they have. They wrote back to say that more people are joining daily so they do not have a total. They did say that out of each group, the top 15 would then enter a run off to announced soon after the voting.
Just three more days in this round.