Dragon's Tail NC

Then again I set out for Colorado from Buffalo with no second gear. Made it to St Louis. As Einstein said, "only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."
I thought the Pig Trail in AK was harder. Of course there was no traffic or cops, so I was pushing harder than on the Dragon.
I thought the Pig Trail in AK was harder. Of course there was no traffic or cops, so I was pushing harder than on the Dragon.

The Pig trail was good, but not nearly as technical as the Dragon.
Watch for speed traps most anytime and opposing traffic (including bikes) in your lane.

Yes, indeed.

I learned the hard way and recommend making a 1st pass at normal speed to check for Radar-toting Tennessee Coppers.

Luckily, I just got a warning citation.

That was a joke, in high school they always threatened that it would go on your "permanent record". I think they probably ran out of paper for mine.