Domio Pro+

Eh? - Speak up.
"The strongest mounts available. Will withstand any force or impact. Attaches your Domio easily to any helmet, so you can use one Domio with multiple helmets."

That alone makes it a "no" for me. In an accident anything attached to the helmet is supposed to detach on impact to prevent the helmet from catching on something and suddenly twisting - and so possibly causing your neck to break.

Very unlikely I would think. The mount is what is being referred to which only stands about 5 mm proud of the helmet surface. The device itself would come away pretty easily in an "off".
Paradoxically - there might be a clever solution - Schrödinger.
Schrödinger's cat was either dead or alive. The fact that Schrödinger was ignorant as to which does not make both true at the same time.
But if we go back to the concept of "zìxīang máodùn" - you're better off with Schrödinger. Sometimes faith moves mountains, or maybe not.