- Ventilation for him and in case he's lying down, and to prevent any buildup of CO from your bike
--Yep, I will have vents that can open via a lawn mower throttle cable or wireless servo by the rider while in motion, as well as CO2, temp sensors that will send alerts to my phablet mounted on the tank if either start moving toward an unsafe level.
- UV doggles, I know you said you got some, but I read of a guy who's dog went blind from too much UV during many snow hikes
--The ones I got are UV rated.
- Consider a grating subfloor in case he has an accident on his first few rides, so he's not sitting in his waste
--He'll be on a Kong dog bed in there with extra cushions. If that happens I'll flip 'em over and head to the nearest car wash for cleanup. I'll have an old smartphone with infrared video inside transmitting to the tank unit via ipcam so I'll know if he has problems.
- Restraint that prevents him from jumping out or bouncing out
--I have a design in mind for a little two point slider swivel track system with high strength bungees that will connect to his harness and allow him to sit, stand, lie down without allowing him to jump up or out. It will also serve to slow him down rapidly in the event of an impact or short stop so he doesn't crash full force into the front or back of the trailer interior.
- Cut in a plexiglass window on the side so if he's lying down he can still see out
--I have a 1/4" sheet of polycarbonate to make side and rear windows, but may scrap that idea and go with three round or teardrop shape marine porthole windows instead due to insulation and aesthetic factors.
- A separated section where you can store any extras - dog food, water, bowl, leash, poop bags, etc.
--I plan to make his area just a little bigger than snug...don't want him to run laps and get tangled up in there. The cooling system will require a two gallon ice reservoir on each side, and room for a small automotive heater core and 120mm cpu fan up front. That will leave a little room for compartments to store toys and bottled water. We'll both be eating the same food... healthy man chow instead of dog chow.
Thanks for the ideas. Any others are welcome, I want to eliminate as many future "Iwish I would have..."s as possible during the build process.