Do or dont need to uncheck 02

Warp, you're up early! So on my low rider project, and the tune that Hanso sent me, I can just take the O2 sensor out, plug the hole, and un check the O2 sensor box in TuneEcu, and all is well, right?
Warp, you're up early! So on my low rider project, and the tune that Hanso sent me, I can just take the O2 sensor out, plug the hole, and un check the O2 sensor box in TuneEcu, and all is well, right?
Yep. On my 06 I never planned on using it so I just left it in as the plug. U til I went with the wide band system. Thinking about ordering one for my 07 verses springing for the auto tune.

You can also change the a/f ratio in the map. Take all the ones that say 14.57 to 14 and leave the O2 stuff alone. This eliminate the narrow band ratios the sensor would try to change.
I do not believe the plug I bought from dynojet is Necessary. At the time of purchase did not fully understand the capability's of tune ECU program. The eliminator plug works the bike runs really good. Did run the bike without the eliminator plug and the box unchecked with tune ECU. For some reason which I do not fully understand the bike runs better with less or no backfire at all with the eliminator plug installed and the box checked. Have no clue why. Just very happy with the results.
Thanks guys. You've jogged my memory. You can't leave the 02 sensor in, but inactive, because it will generally deteriorate. This is why I installed the bung and wrapped the sensor/wiring up behind my right side cover. I'll have to find a bung, which might be in my shop, or certainly at ACE Hardware. Can't recall if it was a metric or some universal SAE size. Seems to me though that I bought an extra about 8 years ago and threw it in a parts box.

And thanks for the extra tip Warp. Now I understand why my tuner friend leaves them in with a completely different tuning software. I'll do the above and not fool with the narrow band ratios in the map.
just asking the question
if u remove the o2 and hide it and uncheck the box does the heater circuit still work and how hot does it get?