Do I need a clutch?

I'll admit to just skimming the posts, but did you ever try changing the oil? I tried using some 15W-40 (I have a 60 gal. bulk tank and use it in all my tractors and cars) in my Goldwing, and the clutch started slipping any time I got it over 3K RPM's. I changed it out for some '4T' motorcycle oil and it went right back to normal. Possible the previous owner put in some automotive oil?
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I think the slipping was caused by me taking too much freeplay out of the clutch lever, it has gone away since I readjusted. Unfortunately, over tightening the cable was the only thing that seemed to make the 1st-to-2nd problem better.
Might check the alignment of the shifter arm to shaft on the bottom side of the clutch cable. If off, it would effect the correct throw of the clutch lever.
Dealerships usually use a blended synthetic oil (not great) I changed to a FULL synthetic and noticed the difference straight away. Clunky shifts disappeared