Differential slider for 2025 GT Storm


Theoretical Propagandist
Oct 13, 2024
2025 Rocket GT
So the next mod for my 2025 GT Storm was a rear differential slider. I wanted something better than the pot metal cover that is currently on the bike. I searched the forums and parts site and only found one solution but it was a Delrin slider mounted to the pot metal cover... that wasn't saving anything.

So I did some measurements and realized that a 4" weld on steel end cap was the exact size of the differential. I ended up cutting 1" off of the length, put a chamfer on the inside to mate up with the differential body and then measured, marked and drilled the bolt holes. The bolts on there now are M5 24. Went to the hardware store and got M5 40 to replace the old ones.

High heat black paint to seal everything off, blue loktite as with the oem bolts and then mounted. Since it's about to snow here, my bike is covered and when it warms up, I will polish the paint to more closely match the rest of the black. Yes I do realize that M5 bolts won't sustain a big off, however they and the steel cover will handle tip overs and slow sides much better than grinding on the axle bolt as it currently would.
How I was able to center the holes was to use the pot metal cover as it fits snuggly into the cap, measured to make sure it was level and the using a marker that fit the hole, transfer the mark to the inside of the cap. Using a step bit, I started the hole off axis, then centered and punched through. Using a larger step bit l, I came back from the top and punched down making the recess for the allen head of the bolts.