Detent spring

Congratulations on his gargantuan effort , what a guy !
Well... just got to a stall.... My new detent spring won't fit. I don't think I should force it on the shaft should I?
It's quite different than my old one, which one is right?!?!?
The old one looks like someone snipped the ends off, perhaps that what I should do?


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WHATS wrong with the old one looks like it didnt break .
Ok I back at my computer and everything looks fine. The slop in the oil pump bicycle chain looks to be normal. I would like to see what style lifter piece you have and if its the smaller one I would change it for the newer style

Like I said earlier is quite obvious you know how to keep it adjusted and use it but a the newer one will be a little safer if anyone else rides it or if your planing on tuning it. The tuner just might muck it up with the small one verses the larger one. and it will eliminate some of the rattle that comes with having to have free play in it.
go a couple posts back, I did post a picture of it. It looks like I have a different design.\
I have an 06 black engine.
Funny thing, I did not see a wavy washer anywhere in there and I dont see one in the shop manual. I did order one, not sure if I should use it or not and where to put it.
Ok you have the early 04-05 style which is a different pressure plate But same theory and like I said from the looks of your lifter shaft it is working fine. Sorry I missed it as it was right before the post with all the pictures. but I was outside down at waterside in down town Norfolk awaiting Boog's arrival. (from his 220 mile swim he made from Washington DC to Norfolk Virginia). Phones although smart are not the best in bright sunlight. Don't be alarmed about having a older clutch I seen a guy in the UK with a 08 Classic and it had the 05 style clutch in it also. Probably ran out of parts and waiting on back order so they stuffed one in and down the line it went.
A quick question is the lower one in the picture of the two springs the one you took out? I am guessing it is and looks like the hooks are stretched. When you go to install one do not nick it with any tools like needle nose pliers it could start a fatigue point. try a good stout nylon line like 50 lb test line for fishing if you need to double it up. I also notice a newer updated detent wheel did you change yours or know if it has had the update kit. Snap a picture of the cam chain guide tensioner side so I can see which one the beast has.

Yes the lower one was the one I took out.
As it turned out, I found that I had ordered a new detent wheel and the right spring type was in there. Identical to the one I removed. I used two long small screwdrivers, made an X and used the shaft for leverage and the spring slipped on nice and easy. So it's partially back together until I found:
The new 30MM clutch shaft nut doesn't have a lip where you can "lock" it. It has thread lock on it instead. I hate not to have the same replacement parts!
So now I put it on with an air gun, should I be concerned it may come loose? I'm wondering if I should just put the old one back.

The bike is "supposed" to have had the update kit. But sometimes I wonder if they used all the parts in the kit or not.

I attached a couple pictures of the left side. Also a picture of the two different nuts style.


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One question.... since I guess I'm having the 04-05 model clutch. Does it need a wavy washer if so where does it go? I never took one off.
As I said my shop manual doesn't reference a wavy washer anywhere.
One question.... since I guess I'm having the 04-05 model clutch. Does it need a wavy washer if so where does it go? I never took one off.
As I said my shop manual doesn't reference a wavy washer anywhere.
Guides look good myself I would not worry either way on the nut use the old one and stake it or since I enlarged the picture I see the new one came with thread locker on it. so your probably looking at a change they made. I think either one would work fine.
Wavey washer is on the back between the input shaft and the lifter piece as above. the front side is a thrust face for the needle bearing to ride on and then there should be a flat thrust washer in front so the bearing is rolling between two hardened surfaces and not ride on the aluminum pressure plate as they would Gaul it up.

Hope this helps.