Detent Spring R&R

Good work.
I spent many, many hours trying to understand why those two gear rings didn't line up.
I finally did the screwdriver-in-the-slot-and-push and the sense of relief was, like, ahhh, you idiot. ;-)
Phenomenal job and write-up!!! You sir have given me a little more confidence that these highlights coupled with the help I could do this one day. I'm saving this thread in the hopes I NEVER... ever... need it!

Great post and pictures!

I'm about to do the same repair. Thank you and idk for the information. It relieved stress of doing this job myself and very helpful identifying the issue my MC is having.

Other than the detent spring; it looks like I will need a new clutch cover gasket, and oil. Do you have a list of items you replaced to get to the detent spring and any special tools needed? Did you need gasket sealant?

I am about to place my order and wanted to make sure I had everything before I put my bike on the stand and open it up.

Thank you!

Imagine my disappointment when I took mine apart and nothing was wrong! Dang! By the way very nice write-up.

Detent spring and clutch cover gasket were all the parts I purchased for my repair. I used a small amount of gasket cement on the cover gasket but that was just to make sure that it would stay in place while I replaced the cover.

Imagine my disappointment when I took mine apart and nothing was wrong! Dang! By the way very nice write-up.

I can definitely imagine your disappointment because I well remember the relief when I saw the empty space where the detent spring should have been. Hope you get yours sorted out soon.