Dealership question

Plow Horse

Oct 13, 2019
Newport Beach, CA
2017 Rocket III Roadster (Edsel)
After reading several threads from folks having problems after buying a new motorcycle, be it parts breaking or things falling off. I found wide range of comments rather curious. One that came to mind was. Gentleman said the first thing he did after purchasing the bike was to go through the whole bike and make sure everything was tight. Which got me to thinking . If one goes out and buys a new car would they do this same type of thing? Would we accept parts falling off just going down the road with the same cavalier attitude (Whatever). So my question is do you hold a motorcycle dealership to the same standards a car dealership? And if not why not.
I've not had many issues over the years. When I have the dealership, be it two or four wheels, has taken care of it. Admittedly, I had a recent HD issue and corrected it myself as it is was quicker and I was short on time. I'm guessing, on average, more motorcyclists know their bikes better than the average cager knows their wheels... Some can barely drive.
My 2020 R3 has 1250 miles now. 600mi service performed myself. I have always re-torqued small fasteners
to large bolts.
It’s not that the dealership is not capable and qualified, running down the highway at 75MPH I like to know I’m the last
person that wrenched on my bike. If something falls off of your car, most likely your not going to crash&burn.
There is a good link on this great forum for downloading the service manual. With the torque specs,it takes
the guesswork out of it.
Cars are totally different, they are delivered to dealership fully assembled ready to go. Motorcycles are crated and require the dealerships least skilled mechanic to assemble them and make sure he did everything correct with no one doing a QC control afterwards.