Daytona Bike Week March 2019

Right now I’m getting my drink on here at Saints n’Sinners a biker bar I was thrown out of about 10 yrs ago. I still don’t remember why. I am 60 now so I will behave.
61 and plan on getting kicked out of the high class joint on the outer banks again. Room reservations made after Maggie Valley. Got kicked and thrown in jail there once while in the Navy. This time reservations made for one of their elite suit rooms. Planning on getting kicked maybe even lay up in the pokey again. Evil knows no limitations
I rode down to the OBX a couple times last year while I was in Norfolk. **** good oysters and beer. 5 bucks a dozen on the half shell. I was amazed at the changes. I hadn't been down there since the early 80's
I rode down to the OBX a couple times last year while I was in Norfolk. **** good oysters and beer. 5 bucks a dozen on the half shell. I was amazed at the changes. I hadn't been down there since the early 80's
Raw I hope. Eat a dozen or two raw and drink a twelve pack. Nothing better. Well maybe some Blue Crap thrown in boiled fresh.
Raw I hope. Eat a dozen or two raw and drink a twelve pack. Nothing better. Well maybe some Blue Crap thrown in boiled fresh.
Yes raw , but I must admit I like them all kinds of ways. One great way if or for people who must have them cooked I stumbled on down in Louisiana eating Crawfish that @Steel was cooking for us. He showed up with a gunnysack of oysters and after we shucked and ate as many raw ones we wanted. He cooked the crawfish and I scrubbed what oysters were left and we dumped them in the crawfish boil. I tell you them cajun seasons made the oyster phenomenal it was a hreat little Rocket get together. Out on the grand isle.