Daytona Bike Week 2020 meetup and post-event riding and skrew it I’m riding home

Took Saturday off to spend time with my Brother & niece.

Rode back roads for a few days but ventured out to St Augustine and down A1A to Daytona today.

Had a nice picnic from Captain's BBQ at Bings Landing near CCs MSF course.

It was a beautiful day to be on the water but alas very few boats about...

4/1 update: Bike started having a weird hesitation issue in high winds, when big trucks went by, then in bumpy areas later in the day.
4/2 update: Taking my last long ride before the state-wide shutdown here in Florida begins.

Problem keeps getting worse (unlike those fictitious ones that fix themselves).
Idles fine and when it occurs going to 0 throttle and back up to a slower speed "fixes" it temporarily.

A loose fuse, Bad Coil or coil connections? TPS? Bad Gas? K&N's are too big and making it run lean with too much air? Plugs fouled again? My stand splice is going bad again? A different short? SOAB!

Limped down to Lake Placid, ordered BBQ from the Smoke Shack take-out and went to the local park.

I ate my
picnic and rolled the bike under the gazebo.

The fuses look OK and the front plugs were a tad rich BUT HEY what is that rubber hose sitting there unattached?
My, My it is the primary MAP hose. I checked it two weeks ago when I was having issues but it appears that over time, with heat and high wind gusts it is slowly
being disconnected.

It is now idling even smoother and running nicely. Finished the 250 mile ride with a smile. Yeah!

Week 4 of my Winter escape to sunny Florida. 80's and 90's almost everyday and no rain.

Update 4/3 - First day of mandatory home isolation in Florida - essential travel only.

I'm not sure if I can handle going from averaging 200 miles/day for a month to zippo. lol

My brother needed 20lbs of bone-in Boston Butt beef to make sausages so I call that an essential meat run to his butchers 30 miles away. Can't go cold turkey.

- Interestingly there were MORE cars and people out today than yesterday with some groups conversing within 6' of each other sans masks.
The homemade cupcake lady (with gloves and mask) outside the meat market was doing a good business... I guess sweets are essential.

That is a low infection area but maybe not for long.

Allegiant Air cancelled my flight home on Saturday saying I can change for free but I'd already decided to ride home when the weather is nicer in NY and its as safe or safer there and along the route back.

That means I am running out of medications.

My NY health plan is telling me I'm not covered in Florida for refills unless I go to a hospital ER. That doesn't seem like a prudent action at this juncture.

Option 2 is to pay cash for them and try to get reimbursed. Over $800 total and a low probability of seeing that money again.
Option 3 is to get someone in NY to go to my CVS pharmacy, get my meds, package them up, and ship them here. What a PITA considering there is a CVS 2 miles away....

It was fun while it lasted...

@tribal,Seemed to be just as much or more traffic on the roads up this way also.
Installed new clutch cable. I believe the other one was the original so 15+ years old.
------------I can now adjust the knurled knob properly again after 4 years of swearing at it...
Ordered new air pressure hoses and connector.
Ordered 2 front caliper rebuild kits and new pin.
Repainted the radiator grill & belly pan - it's a little closer orange now.

Took the long way to the Publix grocery store today - 200 miles.

4/13 work:

1. Checked all plugs again, cleaned them and swapped them around. No more carbon-rich fouling on cyl 1.
2. Cleaned and oiled K&N air and temp filters again.
3. Cleaned throttle linkage and TB area with filters off again. Oiled. Really need to steam clean or blow out the crap though.
4. Topped off air in tires.
5. Replaced all 4 MAP hoses and connector with brand new ones and zip tied the ones I could reach.
6. Replaced the stripped front caliper pin.
7. Replaced temp kickstand sensor splice with a new $10 used sensor - stuck it under the tank.
8. Cleaned out the under-seat trunk and started organizing all the crap.
9. Touched up with The Last Coat.

Wow, after the previous work and the above the bike is idling and running as good as ever.
A slight TB balance again with these changes will be done when I get home but it is very close.

Lunch stop with Andy (Ogre) and T and various pics this week...