Daytona Bike Week 2020 meetup and post-event riding and skrew it I’m riding home

Traffic was horrific and the bike started hesitating again after getting gas so I did a U-turn and came back to my condo.
HMM, is that a clue? Have the previous events coincided with refuelings? Did I hallucinate or did it seem worse going down hill?

Might as well pull the tank and install the new fuel filter. At least I'll remove that as a potential issue.

Day 8 Bike Week pics Friday:
Spotted 1 other Rocket, 1 Sprint and 1 Bonnie out of thousands of various makes & models.

At the sake of awakening the gremlins dwelling within my bike I am going to say that it is sorted out.

Symptoms: Occasional stalling, hesitating, high idle, loss of power, bike would start in neutral but die when put in gear. These usually happened late in the day after riding or in high heat stop-and-go traffic. Fouled two plugs - twice in 2,000 miles. Gas mileage was lower.

Recap of repairs that may or may not have fixed these symptoms but were needed:

1. Replacing the fuel filter last night and giving the ECU some adjustment time today did the trick. She Idled and ran perfect all day.

Was it really over 70,000 miles since I changed it the first time? Oops. Got my money's worth. It wasn't as hard to do as I remembered.
Bonus: I bent the float rod down and the low fuel light should be more accurate and not come on after 52 miles. I didn't calibrate it though.

2. Replaced the battery as I thought some stalling was due to loose connection and I over-torqued the bolt and cracked the lead post. Ran better but hesitation came back.
3. Fabricated a makeshift kickstand sensor splice as the one done in MD last year failed under high heat. Bike ran better.
- Need a more permanent fix.
4. Cleaned up carboned Cylinder #1 spark plugs. Bike ran much better but it didn't solve the root issue.
5. Repaired wire to right rear blinker. No impact.
6. Replaced failed plate bulb. No impact.
7. Replaced oil that had 12,000+ miles due to long ride to RAA West & Biketoberfest. No impact to issues.
8. Kept adding water treatment additives, fuel injector cleaner, Seafoam etc. Didn't help.
9. Added Water Wetter to radiator overflow bottle as it was empty. No change, engine was hot but never overheated.
10. Checked fuses and other electrical connections.
11. Added dielectric grease to coil connectors.

3/19 update:
12. Adjusted throttle bodies. Cyl #1 was higher than 2 and 3 (680/640/640). Smoother now.
13. Adjusted idle manually to 960RPM.
14. Installed different PowerTripp ECU map for Jardines, Intake, CAT delete etc.
15. Discovered crankcase breather was clogged with oil & cleaned - see other post for picture.
16. Cleaned and lubed K&N intake filters.
17. General cleaning around TB's and throttle controls.

4/14 update: Hesitation at speed has returned with slight erratic idling. No stalling.
18. Cleaned al plugs and swapped around.
19. Cleaned entire throttle control area better.
20. Replaced all 4 MAP hoses and connector and zip tied the top ones.
21. Replaced the temporary kickstand sensor splice with a new used sensor $10. Put sensor under tank.

THAT DID IT. Running great now. Just need to tweak the TBs again after the new fixes.

I also need to get another can of electrical connection spray and go through the entire bike as PM.

My laptop was also failing. I went to Best Buy and dropped $120 on new RAM. I should now be able to install TuneECU and borrow a cable to check TB's and TPS if it
starts acting up again.

If anyone wants to meet for lunch let me know. I'm staying in Davenport.

I'm thinking of going down Scenic Rt17 to the BBQ Shack in Lake Placid tomorrow...
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WTF I was close to the Fun Bike Center Triumph Dealer in Lakeland Florida so I gave them a call to see if they could hook my 2005 up to the diag tool to check my throttle bodies and TPS voltages.

I mentioned I had had intermittent problems with a kickstand sensor splice.

Answer: No, our policy is not to work on any bikes older than 10 years unless they are in excellent condition and haven’t had any modifications to the wiring.

That’s just bad business. I wouldn’t expect any guarantees.
Strange that they worked on it last year.
Maybe it’s a new Service Manager or something.

I’ll call another shop in Orlando or make arrangements to borrow an ECM cable as offered previously.

Bike is running fine so maybe an Ocala run is called for...
coils tend to fail after u ride for a while.
i would replace the coil on the cyl that fouled the plugs or just swap it with one of the others. to see if that makes the other cyl foul the plugs. of coarse there could be many causes.
I think I mentioned before, mine was so intermittent that it took 2 years, I probably replaced as many different parts as you, it ended up being a bad coil. And it never fouled the plugs, either, I can't figure that out, except when it started running right again it burned the soot off, maybe? New was real high, I bought a used set from Pinwall Cycle, reasonable. It's a rare issue on these, so I felt fairly safe going used.