Daytona Bike Week 2020 meetup and post-event riding and skrew it I’m riding home

Trouble running when it gets hot could be coils. Look for a hairline crack.

Amen, uncommon, but took me two years to figure out.

Bike Night at the Ace Cafe Orlando tonight 7-10pm.
Also, it's Bike Night at Old Town on Rt192. I may start there and head to the Ace for dinner.

Only an hour from me in Old Town, less than half hour on the Blackbird.

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Thanks guys. I see there two Old Towns.
Bike night is at the amusement park onRt192.

Status: put in new battery bolts with two star washers, a wavy washer and a lock washer after sanding and adding dielectric grease and Locktite to the nut.
Got gas and it started hesitating again.

Checked for cracks, added grease to connectors.

Pulled plugs - front two have carbon buildup and other four looked the same.
These are the new plugs put in last year in Homestead when I was having issues.

Maybe I need to balance TBs.

I did switch to the 6” K&Ns last year and didn’t adjust tune.

front 2

Other 4

I’ll try higher octane gas and put in some more water treatment if it still acts up.
The question should be; Why is that plug so carbon fouled and the others look so good ?

Exactly. I was running the current map (PowerTrip Jardine and Intake mod I believe) for two years. The only change was larger filters mid-2019.

Dyno tune was not done as It was running great and have no one tuners who know TuneECU in my area.

Two bad Iridium plugs in October and I presume the front cylinder so something is amiss.

Bike ran great including hot traffic but I need to resolve the root cause or it will recur. Fun fun!!
Don't bother going to Old Town Bike Night - it is dead there. 10 bikes.
Ace Cafe had 300!! Sadly, only 3 British bikes.

The owner of this custom bike is test riding a 2020 Rocket tomorrow.

Bike ran great all night!

So what to do next:
1. Check the hard to reach front coil and crimp the connectors and add dielectric grease.
2. Add Seafoam to try and clean injectors. I already tried this and others though.
3. Consider removing all 3 injectors and having them cleaned/rebuilt.
4. What else? Check ECU map?

If you decide on injectors they will test then clean and retest, my injectors were puddling and did not test very good but bike was running ok, after cleaning they were spot on as far as spray pattern and cc output. 90 bucks and it’s a fast turn around from rc injectors.

Thanks. I'm at my Timeshare for a few weeks with only my bike but I could go to my brothers and borrow his car for a few days if I need to mail them there..

I rigged up an injector cleaner for my HD once and it worked great. Basically a 9V battery to open the injector, squirt in brake cleaner and then Seafoam.

Maybe I'll try that first. I'll check the manual tomorrow to see how to pull them.
Looks like my kickstand sensor bypass splice was railing under high heat. Stalled again last night on Rt95 after a wonderful day in Daytona.
the solder looked fine but it might be inside the connector.
Made it to JP Cycles and replaced battery but it would stall when put in gear.
Made a temporary splice and it fired up.
Crossing my fingers that will end the mystery.

Daytona Bike Week was cancelled today so I’m heading to Cedar Key for a late lunch...