Daytona Bike Week 2020 meetup and post-event riding and skrew it I’m riding home

Yes, I usually don't go beyond 10K - even with Amsoil.

I changed it last June after I got home from RAA East and the RAA West detour to Daytona Biketoberfest and bonus Key West Fantasy Fest loop
in October put me close to 13K.

I had pre-ordered a case of oil to change it when I got back here.

It was VERY dark but I didn't test it.

I'm still not sure if the oil was the root cause of the stalls. I'll fix the blinker and plate bulb and cross my fingers .

hope you do not have to shake too many hands ... COVID 19.... might be immune to exhaust fumes!! but watch out nevertheless
Well, almost made it to Daytona today.
Bike ran perfect for several hours until I got on A1A in traffic and it started hesitating again.

It stalled in traffic last night too. I added oil and it ran fine but I’m now thinking it’s not oil just it cooling down as I found some.

I’m now thinking maybe the TPS or my kickstand sensor splice is loosening up under heat.

just cleaned the temp sensor K&Nfilter and eating lunch in Ponce Inlet before going back to Orlando.

And of course I forgot my ECU cable and spare Primary TPS. Dealers here don’t stock it either.

Did bring a new gas filter and gasket
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if you need a cable sent overnight just let me know
Well, the other thing I’ve been doing when it happens is tightening the battery terminals. That didn’t seem to help earlier but I REALLY torqued them down after lunch and she”s running fine.

I don’t think it was the temp filter.

I bought some star lock washers and Blue Locktite and will try that in the am.
Dielectric grease on top didn’t seem to help but I’ll sand the connectors and put it between them.

I have a TPS sensor, pretty sure I brought a TuneECU cable too, in Keaton Beach, outside Perry