David Platt short exhaust 2004

The DP shorties are not designed to be subtle. This is exactly why I have the 'deep tone' ones, as he calls them. Nowhere near as bad as the outlaws, don't need ear plugs. Just a nice deep rumble, without popping. I'd recommend getting the air-in a bit cleaner, ram air or triple K & N is the normal, then you've got a balanced airflow, and you'd have a choice of tunes to install. I installed exhaust, had a bit of popping and sounded a bit naff, then put the tune on with plans to install the ram air the next day.rode for a week and although restrictions are lifted in 1st and 2nd gear, it wasn't until I put the ram air on that the bike came alive. Runs better, sounds better, and forces a much better smile. Good luck.
Fitting a ram air and a tuneecu map will be cheaper. Pcv only piggy backs, it's good at it, don't get me wrong but I think it's bad advice to say that's the fix.
Why don't you experiment, assuming your happy to do a map backup first. Remove air filter temporarily, put a decent map in with tune ecu, then go for a short test ride. Once you're blown away, order a decent filter, and save lots of money.
Im not suffering from the pops and bangs as you are, but a lack of power compared to the Tors. At the moment im putting that down to lack of fuel and restricted air intake. So whats the advice on a Ram Air? how much is it!

I did find that the exhaust clamps on my DP didnt like to close the joint from the header to the crossover box!

My Settup.....
Running the Std Tor tune

Underseat K& N

Early on my 2004 i had a problem with it stalling when the throttle was closed, the problem was identified by Triumph to be a sticky Idle Stepper controller, they changed it and things for a short while felt good. Then the problem came back, so i removed it and tied it under the tank as it generates a fault if disconnected. On the mounting bracket there is/was a 5mm screw and locknut that you could wind in to set the idle manually. Have run like this with a perfect tickover for 10y. Just thought to mention it as in the standard settup, engine over run with the throttle closed the steppermotor would close the flaps fully......could it make a difference to people with the decel banging.

This is a great site for help and info, but its a shame that there isnt a database area that tunes are stored/uploaded to, so its not such a pain in the ass to try things out!
I have recently put dp outlaws and ramair and with the 12 min tune it was popping all over the place.Since having been tuned on dyno only get occassional pop and bang on overun etc.otherwise sound is loud but not unpleasant(for me)
So whats the advice on a Ram Air? how much is it!
My advice on the ram air is to get one installed to make the most out the rest of your bike and the exhaust you have. Mine cost me £125, which was very well spent, direct from ramair-filters.co.uk Once you have it fitted you can put a map on with TuneECU which I'm confident will have it running the way you like it.

This is a great site for help and info, but its a shame that there isnt a database area that tunes are stored/uploaded to, so its not such a pain in the ass to try things out!
There is a small database of maps on the Tune ECU website, describing which modifications the map is suited to. Scroll a long way down to find the Rocket section: Triumph_OEM_Tune_list. 3 & 4 Cyl. models

Cheers Baloo
If I was going down the pcv route I would definitely be getting the auto tune, it helps to fine tune a generic map which would otherwise only get it somewhere near.

I look forward to seeing your post after you've got it all on and setup. I'm sure someone will be along soon to let you know how to get started with the pcv.

One caveat. I have DP exhausts and crossover and Ramair installed on my 2016 roadster. I installed a PCV and auto-tune and had to disable auto-tune for anything less than 40 % throttle opening because the DP exhausts allow the O2 sensor access to outside air at lower throttle openings and that tricks the AT into thinking it can happily dump huge amounts of fuel into the injector. I have an awesome Map that increased performance dramatically but the auto-tune doesn't work as it should

Allan, how can the O2 sensor access outside air at any throttle position ?
The DP system is an add-on after the stock header, the O2 sensor is situated in the tail end of the Stock header.