Or if a tuner isn't readily available to tune the PCV, then an Auto Tuner from Power Commander will get the tune really close for you.
Thanks for the info. Is there a preference between using TuneECU or the power commander V? Thanks!!!
Thanks for the info. Is there a preference between using TuneECU or the power commander V? Thanks!!!
If you get a good tune, or know a tuner that can use TuneECU, you don't need the Power Commander (on a stock motor). Most tuners know how to use PC program, so it's easier to find someone to put it on their dyno to tune it. If a dyno isn't close enough to be an easy option, or you plan on doing more add on's later, then the Auto Tune is a good alternative.
Thanks again for your help!
i use both and created my my own AFR map for the PCV + AT runs sweet as !!!!
HansO which tune would I use with the Tune ECU I have a 2014 Rocket III Roadster with David Platt pipes(cat eliminated) with the stock airbox just replaced the stock paper filter with the direct replacement K+N? I had Triumph put a tune in but am still getting noticeable decel popping although better than before. I guess it is still to lean. Any thoughts
i use both and created my my own AFR map for the PCV + AT runs sweet as !!!!
That's the tune I was running on my PCV/AT (when my motor was stock), until I got to a tuner with a dyno. The tuner smoothed out the lines a bit, but I lost 1 hp and 3 ft/lb tq over all. It wasn't enough difference to register on the old butt dyno either way.
Originally I was running the Triumph tune for tors , I had the Ramair and pcv with a generic tune in the pcv . The bike was running very lean with a lot of decel popping . I was not proficient with tune ecu so I had the bike dynod , The tuner wrote a custom map for the pcv and changed settings in the ecu , ie opened the secondarys , raised the rev limit , removed the restrictions and lowered the fan operating temperature . This transformed the bike with no decel popping . In the tuners own admission , he tuned the bike for optimum running through the entire rev range as opposed to optimum power which I was very happy with . On fitting the Dps , I had assumed I would need a retune and have since acquired tune ecu . That said , the bike ran lovely with the DPs fitted with only the very occasional pop which I don't mind . On giving the bike it's 10000 mile service recently and changing out the plugs , I notice that their colour is nigh on perfect and certainly not lean overall , so for now I am a happy bunny ! I have learned a lot from this site and if the tune drops out or needs tweaking I shall now be appealing to @HansO and making adjustments via tune ecu and possibly even doing away with the pcv . I certainly believe that handso is the man with a tune for every application and one helluva lot cheaper than dyno time !
Or if a tuner isn't readily available to tune the PCV, then an Auto Tuner from Power Commander will get the tune really close for you.
Do you use this steel ? I hadn't really given that much thought before , but after receiving the mcn article on tuning from @1olbull , the auto tune has come more to my attention !
Can you tell me more about it mate ?
Do you use this steel ? I hadn't really given that much thought before , but after receiving the mcn article on tuning from @1olbull , the auto tune has come more to my attention !
Can you tell me more about it mate ?
I had it when my motor was stock. It reads the A/F mix constantly, and makes adjustments on the fly. @HansO wrote the tune for my AT, and I just loaded it in. It works great for what it is, but nothing can beat a custom tune from a good dyno tuner. Problem is, not everybody with a dyno can tune really good. Some either don't have the knack, or just won't take the time. Others are passionate about getting good results. Do your research before you go.