If you get a good tune, or know a tuner that can use TuneECU, you don't need the Power Commander (on a stock motor). Most tuners know how to use PC program, so it's easier to find someone to put it on their dyno to tune it. If a dyno isn't close enough to be an easy option, or you plan on doing more add on's later, then the Auto Tune is a good alternative.
If you get a good tune, or know a tuner that can use TuneECU, you don't need the Power Commander (on a stock motor). Most tuners know how to use PC program, so it's easier to find someone to put it on their dyno to tune it. If a dyno isn't close enough to be an easy option, or you plan on doing more add on's later, then the Auto Tune is a good alternative.
HansO which tune would I use with the Tune ECU I have a 2014 Rocket III Roadster with David Platt pipes(cat eliminated) with the stock airbox just replaced the stock paper filter with the direct replacement K+N? I had Triumph put a tune in but am still getting noticeable decel popping although better than before. I guess it is still to lean. Any thoughts
That's the tune I was running on my PCV/AT (when my motor was stock), until I got to a tuner with a dyno. The tuner smoothed out the lines a bit, but I lost 1 hp and 3 ft/lb tq over all. It wasn't enough difference to register on the old butt dyno either way.
I saw your post where you are happy with the David PLatt exhaust. I just installed them on my 14 Rocket Roadster. I also love the sound of them but there is a lot of popping on decel. Took it to a Triumph dealer in New Jersey who said they had (3) different tunes and would put in the most aggressive they have(the most rich map). It eliminated about 30-40% of the decel popping but still to much for my liking. Got a map from HansO that read TORS which I didn't use(thats why I went to the dealer) I figured he gave me the same map that Triumph has for there TOR'S pipe. What map(tune) did you use with your DP pipes? Do you still have decel popping? Any suggestions would be appreciated?
Originally I was running the Triumph tune for tors , I had the Ramair and pcv with a generic tune in the pcv . The bike was running very lean with a lot of decel popping . I was not proficient with tune ecu so I had the bike dynod , The tuner wrote a custom map for the pcv and changed settings in the ecu , ie opened the secondarys , raised the rev limit , removed the restrictions and lowered the fan operating temperature . This transformed the bike with no decel popping . In the tuners own admission , he tuned the bike for optimum running through the entire rev range as opposed to optimum power which I was very happy with . On fitting the Dps , I had assumed I would need a retune and have since acquired tune ecu . That said , the bike ran lovely with the DPs fitted with only the very occasional pop which I don't mind . On giving the bike it's 10000 mile service recently and changing out the plugs , I notice that their colour is nigh on perfect and certainly not lean overall , so for now I am a happy bunny ! I have learned a lot from this site and if the tune drops out or needs tweaking I shall now be appealing to @HansO and making adjustments via tune ecu and possibly even doing away with the pcv . I certainly believe that handso is the man with a tune for every application and one helluva lot cheaper than dyno time !
Do you use this steel ? I hadn't really given that much thought before , but after receiving the mcn article on tuning from @1olbull , the auto tune has come more to my attention !
Can you tell me more about it mate ?
Do you use this steel ? I hadn't really given that much thought before , but after receiving the mcn article on tuning from @1olbull , the auto tune has come more to my attention !
Can you tell me more about it mate ?
I had it when my motor was stock. It reads the A/F mix constantly, and makes adjustments on the fly. @HansO wrote the tune for my AT, and I just loaded it in. It works great for what it is, but nothing can beat a custom tune from a good dyno tuner. Problem is, not everybody with a dyno can tune really good. Some either don't have the knack, or just won't take the time. Others are passionate about getting good results. Do your research before you go.