I had thought of trying a 190 next time but will probably just try another brand of 205.
WELL NORM I have seen and expierenced the weaving also and thats not safe thats my point TRIUMPH does not want anyone running a car tire on any of their bikes period they do not fit the rims correctly and they will not honor the warranty if you use one and thats just some of the issues SO trying to save money by running them makes no sense not a good idea you can buy a BS 240/55 for about $180 I get 10,000 miles usually and cant complain spend your money wisely on a real MC tire its worth it no weaving and wobbleing etc, try one youll like it
I had thought of trying a 190 next time but will probably just try another brand of 205.
STEEL just tried one on his bike and he also had the weave and had it throw him around on irregular road surfaces he replaced it with a MC tire and restored the handling and solved the problems
I for one believe a MC tyre belongs on a MC... and a car tyre belongs on a car...after all designers spent years designing them for that particular product. I'm from the Goldwing community and a lot of guys there are DS riders, and ive now moved to rockets My point is we all spend a lot of money on our bikes making them go faster...look prettier and modifying. But then it comes down to the bit that is the only contact point between bike n tarmac we moan at the price. If I get over 5000 miles out of a bike tyre I think whoa great! I don't moan because that's what I expect to pay for an integral part for my bike. Be it right or wrong I always buy bits which are meant and designed for that specific vehicle...
I've been up to 100/110 with my CT. With a MC tire, I've seen 130/140, way too fast for this 68 year old kid. Always cruise around 80/85. No more worries about a flat rear tire. Had 3 with MC tires. And almost busted my ass big time with each flat. I do not understand the hoopla about who wants to run what on "THEIR" bike. I don't go around calling somebody stupid, that wants ape bars, or straight pipes, skinny or fat tires or snow tires, chaps or no pants at all, sneakers, flip flops, high test or regular, to each his own. Kinda reminds me of a bunch of dogs, all trying to sniff each others butt, but they all smell like chit! Maybe I'll make some wooden wheels, so some butt sniffers can tell me the dangers of splinters, termites, etc. etc. This is usually a nice place, but some people seem to know it all, and it's their way, or the highway. It must make them feel important, to be so much smarter than others. They should be in the gobment (government), as they are always good at telling people how they are supposed to live, as if they are too dumb to take care of themselves. That said, I'm going to have a cigarette, yup I know, that will kill me one day too.
MOST of the roads in our area have deep ruts from the stone trucks that deliver from all the quarrys that deliver 6 days a week and hitting those with a car tire is deadly you almost get thrown from the bike and its even worse with a passanger