Dark Supercharger Intakes on R3T...Pics


.040 Over
Oct 6, 2012
Yangzhou, China
Supercharger Intakes on R3T...Pics

While my bike is in little pieces in my living room (yes, i am single sometimes :rolleyes:) I decided to get over the K&N thing and get a little darker for my aspiration needs.. I picked up 3 silicon supercharger 90 deg. elbows and cut the inlets and outlets as short as possible to make them compact. The inlets are 63mm, and outlets 76mm.
Next I added aluminum air intakes which I also had to cut very short, about 20mm on the neck, long enough to be clamped firmly. Finally i bought a sheet of 15mm high density oil-resistant air filter foam and made a 3-layer (45mm) round disc filter housed in the mouth of the intake. The intakes are directional, so of course they are pointing forward but I can change the angle at any time.
Bear Claw... er....umm... yea, it's around somewhere, maybe in the cabinet next to the the alligator food... I mean, i just think that I don't need it now. I think the bike looks cool (I could not find black color supercharger hose anyway... :mad:). I can consider putting the claw back, i guess a small claw if anyone knows where to get one... I cannot cut my claw because I don't know how. It is steel...chromed steel... how do I cut it? I only have a pair of scissors and steak knife.. :eek:
Anyway, I would appreciate any comments on my intakes...good or bad (less bad...):rolleyes: ...oh, almost forgot...the coolant tank will be under my seat, strapped up, sitting on some old t-shirts. I don't need that old air-box space for anything else. I have side bags and I am getting a trunk too... :)


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Looks sexy
The bear claw is metal
Dremel tools work well
Go slow and trim close to where you think it looks good then sand from there
There are many threads of people that have done this and I am sure they will chime in soon
I had one fabricated in fibre glass. See one of my posts last month for a pic. Can get one done for you if interested to avoid cutting the metal bear claw, PM me.
bear claw

i used a black felt pen to outline where i thought the cut should run,generously leaving more material than where i wanted it to end up...then....attacked it with a 6inch grinder.It wasnt quite right, i left too much on,so then i fine tuned it from there.I fitted it back on, just to check.x2...presto,Looks great. all done with a grinder. The hardest bit is the first cut,i was dreading it but once youve attacked it, you cant go back, sort of point of no return.Dont sweat it mate, you'll be fine.
I really like the look, but there sure isn't much filter area there, I'd be afraid I'd be choking it off.
I only have 2 concerns
1 have you got some form of metal mesh in behind the foam so it can't get sucked in
2 I agree with other poster that they may be a bit restrictive

Otherwise they look Hot very nice indeed

As far as cutting is concerned the dremel is the best tool you just need to visualise where you think it needs to be cut and use a permanent marker on the back draw a cutting line say half inch less than you think using a gently does it approach cut along your marked line, hold it rough they in place and remark as nesasary and cut again doing a little at a time till you have it right then useing a half round fine tooth file clean the rough spots then Finnish wiht a chain saw (very fine) rat tail file just draw stroking the edge hold the file at 90 degree and you will get nice edge you can also get a nice chrome self adhesive edging on E-bay to further Finnish it of.
Probally the most important thing to remember is not to rush the job and to wear protective gear ie gloves glasses and a dust mask because the chrome dust can make you very sick I ended up quite ill and needed antibiotics for blood poisoning the first time I cut a bear-claw done a couple since with no problems