Has anyone tried the Proxes R1R?
BTW... look at what I found her is our archives
Yes, Rick, I happen to have one in my garage from my 7K mile experiment with it Darksiding on my R3. It's a fantastic tire for certain Acura and Honda model automobiles, but definitely a no go for our motorcycles. First time I rode it hard in the twisties it visibly rode on and wore the
sidewall about 1.5 inches up from the tread! The pressure you might use doesn't matter, it will get up on the sidewall and there's zero protection engineered into that tire's sidewall to keep one's azz intact.
At the time I tried it, about 7-8 years ago, it was the #1 car tire to use according to the "cognoscenti on both of our very active owners sites. Some of the early adapters in England were putting up to about 15-18K miles on the tire and completely wearing the writing on their sidewalls away - which is totally batshiite cray-cray!!!
Subsequent car tire options, among them, the predominant ones still being used by diehard darkside fans to present, have allegedly proven to have designs that with the "proper" air pressure, will not ride on their sidewalls. That still doesn't address the incompatability of the car tire and motorcycle rim designs - they are not engineered to work together optimally. Period - full stop.
As for me, given what I know for facts regarding tire type selection for motorcycles in general, there isn't enough tea in China for me to ever consider using a car tire on a motorcycle rim ever again. Just because loads of people have done so and continue to do so does not make it a safe or intelligent practice (it adds a significant risk factor to an already risky enterprise) and
nothing will convince me otherwise because
facts are facts.
I do respect the right of others to choose to do otherwise, although I am firmly in the camp that it is an inherently poor choice.