I'll be ****ed if it didn't just dawn on me, "Homer Simpson DUH" the left side of the axle goes through the diff housing, which is held onto the swing arm by the 4 studs and nuts. So if that side was left loose, the wheel could be tilted, and not center. Now I'm leaning towards tightening the 4 bolts first, then torque the axle. That way, it "should" be lined up correctly.
I have a brand new wheel coming from egay ($300) not too bad a deal. A new Bridgstone Execedra to go on that, and I have a Riken Raptor coming today to go on my original wheel, which I will put on the Rocket first. If I don't like it, I'll have the other ready to go no problem. Really frustrated at how hard it is to get a tire on these fat rims. Luckily I have a friend that owns a tire store, with a new machine.
My splines were nice and greasy but I smeared some more moly grease and never seize on it anyhow. Should be good for awhile.
And for the darkside nasayers, I live in SW florida, not too many hills and curves, mostly straight highway.