C'mon, sonny!

You can say "Fork" or "Chit" and not go to He!!, ya' know!

or did you mean to say "Carp" (sp)?
See Rule 20 under Prohibited Activities.

This forum is a first and foremost a resource for owners and prospective owners of Rocket 3 motorcycles. Topics in all sub-forums other than the Final Drive are available through search engines. Therefore, per the Terms and Rules, only motorcycle related discussions are permitted in sub-forums other than the Bear Claw Corner and the Final Drive. Many threads have deteriorated into silly comments which do not reflect the topic under discussion. This needs to stop.
YES BIG DADDY weve been bad again no more SILLY STUFF
Youzz guys, I've went through this whole thread, looking for a recommended car tire for my Roadster, and all I got was some nice pics!