It's just a bike - I worry more about the effects of such climates on me.
Chimney almost went out last night - My "Cold Start" abilities were affected.
When I do occasionally want to turn the motor over during the winter, I prime the injectors and load the cylinder head with gas once or twice by turning the starter on and allowing the instruments to sweep and the fuel pump to pump fuel into the dead, cold motor before cranking it. Remember that I'm always tethered to a Battery Tender Jr. so doing so ("priming the pump" as it were) doesn't drain the battery's CCA. Never once had a nonstart when following this procedure.
it seems plain to me that the plunger that makes contact with the gps gear position switch is losing contact. when code is set (because it cannot read a correct gear it fail safes and more than likely retards timing) bike runs for $hit.
now i think that u mention that u had this taken care of but i still think the plunger is the problem.
of coarse u can counter this prob by putting up the kickstand up starting it and letting it warm up.
@Boog , I'm having basically the same issues in 20-30 degree weather. I wonder, if @TURBO200R4 is correct, is it possible to warm up this plunger and "unstick" it prior to starting the bike? Where is it located?
i did not go back and read the thread but i think what i was referring to is the gear position switch might not be making good contact and needs attention.
Hello guys, I've off the forum for a few weeks but just to bring you up to date; I haven't swapped the kickstand and safety switch yet but have them in the house. I bought a new battery and it starts the bike down to 22F so far without a trickle charger attached or a engine heater on the starter. I have a few more trips coming up and won't get the kick stand swapped till its warmer I guess.
I was doing a bit of browsing as I am rewiring my Guzzi from scratch. And discovered an AGM battery mfr that stated -18C is about the best one can expect - that's 0F.