Dang cold natured beast!!!

Well... I wish to verbally go full foul mouthed sailor here but the censor won't let me. Suffice it to say, Brahma is still a cold natured beast even with the new battery. The first start at 36F this morning did the same thing; one turn then stop. Check engine light on, green neutral light extinguished. Lifted the bike off the stand and pulled the kick stand up and the bike started with the check engine light still on and unable to get the neutral light to come on after going through the gears at stop. Rode the bike to work but it wouldn't give me full power (heck, I was even passed by a Harley, so humiliating). I get to work with the bike nice and warm, shut it off and restarted it. Same thing with a single rotation then stop, no green neutral and it restarts on second try.

I have planned my next part buy to be new cables and the Toyota starter. Holiday timing is keeping me from getting then now. Frustrating mess continues...
Try making a block heater.
I made one with 2 stick-on heat elements, 100 watts each.
Stuck to the bottom of an aluminum plate roughly the shape of the sump bottom,
with angle bar along the outer edges to keep it flat.
Bungee to the foot rails to hold it flat to the sump.
2 1/2 hours and the bike starts every time, down to 30 degrees anyway.

it seems plain to me that the plunger that makes contact with the gps gear position switch is losing contact. when code is set (because it cannot read a correct gear it fail safes and more than likely retards timing) bike runs for $hit.
now i think that u mention that u had this taken care of but i still think the plunger is the problem.
of coarse u can counter this prob by putting up the kickstand up starting it and letting it warm up.
Thanks for the insght Herman. It started at 32F this morning and a rough start after work at 28F. It turned over once then nothing. I let it set a minute, turned the key back in and no neutral light. I pulled the kick stand up and started it. It ran rough but after a few minutes if warm up, I shut it down and restarted this time the neutral light came back. It rode home okay so it's still a work in progress.
I install the bat like yours to replace the walmart bat.
yesterday i started mine in the bitter cold (43 degrees in arizona ) it cranked over a lot faster than the walmart bat. but it still took another crank to start but i think it is back to cranking better than when new.
it seems plain to me that the plunger that makes contact with the gps gear position switch is losing contact. when code is set (because it cannot read a correct gear it fail safes and more than likely retards timing) bike runs for $hit.
This makes an incredible amount of sense. If so It might explain why some bikes are more cold start prone than others. Is it actually a plunger or simply a lightly sprung plate?

I wonder if moisture can get in there? - Dead/Drained Batteries apart - I can only think of one occasion when I had a cold start issue. And it was cold and damp (the UK) - Here my bikes sleep indoors. No heat but lots of things made of untreated wood which absorbs any moisture.

Also - the draw on paper seems minimal - but over time DOES have an effect - Any devices that draw even a minimal current when "off" like PDM60's - Alarms, clocks etc?. I like my PDM60 and the a-Flasher thing - but I know they drain power as disconnecting the battery stops the drain.