Dang cold natured beast!!!

It starts with the kick stand up like it would normally with the bike in Gear. I release the clutch after starting and the bike remains in neutral without the light. If I put the stand down the bike dies as if it is in gear. I see this every winter for some odd reason and the GPS has been replaced once already and the new one was cleaned at the dealer last winter.

BOOG, Amigo!
If you left your honey outside and over night all the time -
Do Ya think she'd feel all fuzzy, warm and horny when you showed up to climb aboard???

If I left my Honey, AKA Pretty Pillion (who happens to be a tropical island girl), outside all night, I could only hope to out run her when see sees me next... But a machine built in the UK, a place known to be cool/cold and moist, I would expect a horny beasty each morning raring to go no matter the chill.

Have you upgraded your earth cable? It helps the starter to get all the power it deserves.
Pictured is the standard Cable and the cable I make to replace it and its plug and play.

I have a double ground/earth cable at present.

@mully95 I did upgrade the negative cable and the battery. I have not replaced the positive cable so that does need to be done and I still have the OEM starter. The one you mentioned was the Toyota starter?

I started the bike normally last night and let it warm up to temperature before shutting it off. It did not have the stutter as it did in the morning. I didn't ride this morning but the temp is 55F so it should have been an easy start. I will tinker with it over the holiday here and see what becomes of my assessment.
i think that your prob is some where in the gear select position switch circuit. now the code might tell u more (low or high volts.) an off the wall try a hair dryer on the gps the next time it acts up a little heat might do wonders for it(but do not melt it)
also u might invest in a gipro (i think that is what that gear reader is called) that would be used like a tool to see what gear it is or if it is even reading. a volt meter could do the same. u could have the little spring and capsule might be sticking.
my over the phone diagnoses is the ecu is not receiving a good gps signal and restricting power.
i think that the tunecu shows the gear position. good luck bro