My brother has purchased a Riken Raptor to have mounted on his 06 Std but is having trouble locating a shop to mount it in the Dallas, Texas area.
He would prefer a shop that will remove the wheel from the bike and remount, but will settle for just having the tires changed out on a loose wheel.
I tried contacting the shop that did the mount for Stripes but the shop owner wrote back, "No way. I have no idea what triumph was thinking about when they made that rim, but after fighting with the tire for over two hours, and having to cut the bead to get it off, I was thinking how much I love my Harley-Davidson." I don't think he wants to do it again, do you?
Problem sorted yesterday. My brother found a guy out in Terrell that has mounted c/t's on Goldwings/Valks/etc. Removal from bike, tire off, tire on, Re-install on bike, all for $60. A bargain since it includes the bike work, too.
If you could get a name and number I"d appreciate it, just incase I ever go dark again. It's hard to find shops to do it. The last guy that put on my CT was pissed when I picked the wheel up
I went to my car tire guy. I bought my Riken Raptor from another tire dealer that wouldn't change it. I went to my Triumph dealer who took the tire off and knew he would refuse to put a dark side on and dressed me down but good about doing it. I took wheel off myself so it just cost me the tire I had so much slime and fix a flat in that tire it wasn't even funny.
Yeah, my Triumph dealer won't stoop to installing my CT either .... but that's OK, the Honda/Yammerhamer shop close to home said "No problem, I've wanted to try one of those myself". They are a hell of alot cheaper too.
I was worried about transcontinental difficulties with a metz that is smoked in 3ooo miles I tried a local Harley DR. He gouged the heck out of my rim and was smoken mad with the 245 50 16 firestone firehawk. then I went to firestone in cape carteret nc WAHOOOO they not only had no problem the bill was 10$, in and out 15 minutes tire swap only of course I have since done all my "rear tires only" with firestone
The trick is in the machine, it uses three arms to push the tire down to the narrowist diameter so look around for a tire machine like that, any shop that does 22s 24s and so on probly no problm I do my m109 there tooo and a buddies rocket too
Every day is good day to ride when you have the challenges under control
see ya on the road