Custom tune on my 2020 R dyno sheet

I had no trouble. I used a s20 phone and obdlink lx. I pulled my headlight fuse and hooked a battery tender up. Took about 15 min to upload the map. I sat my phone beside the plug. You can not view or download or save current map. You can only upload a map.
I still don't understand why they continue to restrict throttle response and engine power. This would truly be one of the baddest bikes on the planet and they would surely win over some sport bike folks. All of Triumphs hype about Hp and Torque and yet they restrict everything. 177/153 is amazing.
Maybe to avoid being the mustang of the bike world?
They did the same thing with the old RIII’s. When the Roadster came out they billed it as “unleashed”, which means the opened the secondary throttle plates more. Which anyone with Tuneboy or TuneECU had been doing for years.
There are 4 ETV tables for each riding mode but there are 6 gears. A linear relationship between throttle position (grip) and throttle plate opening would be 100-100, 50-50, 10-10, etc., at all rpms. How much more linear did she make it? With a mechanical throttle, the cam on the carb or throttle body can be lobed to produce a less linear, smoother power delivery. On a dragster, WOT should have the plates open 100%. On my T120 DNK tune, she advanced the timing. I’d be surprised if she didn’t also do it on the R3.
Because you only need to open the throttle 100% when then engine speed is almost at the limit. At 2500rpm for example the throttle only needs to open say 50% to attain max torque- opening it anymore won't give more torque since the throttle isn't the restriction. It's better to only open the throttle butterfly as much as you need to because it improves traction control response (throttle plate has less distance to move before it affects torque) also the angle of a partially open throttle valve can induce tumble in the combustion chamber and actually produce more torque than if it was fully open (at lower engine speeds)

Basically it's not always a case of throttle more open equals more torque.