custom bars... who does good quality extended cables etc...

Hi all,

have purchased some 2in roller bars, about 12 inches of rise, who makes decent extended cables @ozrider has thoughts on classic cables being 3-6inches of extra length compared to roadsters, has anyone got any ideas or had the same issues??

Got any pictures of the finished products?

Agree regarding the Barnett stainless cables.
I use some wire to guage the proper length.
I went with Barnett cables. Good quality, but they sent the wrong length at first. I ordered +4 and got +2. They told me they sent me a +4 for Roadster and not Touring. Sent me a free set of correct length cables.

The brake line I got from Spiegler. They make custom and you keep your original vs Barnett you have to send to them.
How did you end up going with the cables @nicko, still waiting for those screen mounts hey, my drama is I have 14" ape's and a clutch cable drama, already had the throttle and brakes done when I bought the bike, looks like a custom made clutch cable for me but was really hoping someone on the forum might have some actual diagram's of the cables and there length's, would be an awesome help, would love to run the classic clutch cable off the shelf.

Probably a bit far to send them but I'm also fitting some 12 bars with Rivco Risers at this very time and a company in NZ is rebuilding my cables to suit. Friendly people getting them 200mm longer. They needed the original cables as there are some specific parts that would be expensive to make. Wiring I just ordered parts from, again friendly and fast service. Not sure if I'll actually need to lengthen the wires but planning ahead. Doing the brake cables next week.

I have factory heated hand-grips on mine and wanted the factory end weights too so drew up and had made inserts for my bars to allow them to be reused was a hassle but will be worth it as I'm 6'4" tall and the old bars while comfortable were just a little low.

Its slowly going back together.
Thanks for the info guys...I'm about to remove my Rivco risers and put a set of 14" Burly mini apes on my '09 so this information will come in very handy