When these oh **** moments happen they are usually so fast you have no time to think or react, although in your case In think you did bloody good, as we all know oil on the road is like ice on the road and as we only have two points of contact so we try and avoid it at all times.
Combination of factors at work here
#1-Previous accident(oil on the road)
#2-early norning-was the sun in your eyes?
#3- Cold tyres-the first few miles on a bike are more dangerous untill the tyres get warmed up.
#4-We all like the torque on these bikes but in this case it did not help you
The main point out of all this is A-T-G-A-T-T in this situation your helmet probably saved your life or at the very least stopped you from talking funnier
, one lesson learned here is that the short wearing , flipflop(thongs) helmetless riders take note.
Considering it was a high side crash you were lucky the bike did not land on top of you, unlike a low-side crash where the bike is sliding ahaead of you.