crash bars work

Good job.

Its upsetting to drop a bike but it happens. Thankfully nobody was hurt.

Lifted GL 1800 Goldwing twice. Kickstand sank in wet ground. As previous poster said, clamp down on brake.

Get your butt seated in saddle, legs retracted and firmly on the ground. Do not use back, let legs do it. If you are over on right hand side, put the kickstand down. Turn handlebars to lock away from you. Push smoothly until upright. Put stand down if pushing from LH side. No worries.
Glad you and the missus are OK.

I'm with Dave and Dallan on picking the bike up but I turn my back to the bike when I do it with the bars turned.

Crash bars are great (the shops and dealers call them dresser bars but we know what they're for). When I came off a while ago, lost it at about 60mph when the council saw fit to reseal the road but not put up signs, the crash bars got really heavily sanded on the road but nearly no other damage to worry about that couldn't be fixed with a hammer, and some welding.

This is after I pulled it out of the bank, you can see the curve (and it was the peak of a hill) I was coming round and where the road surface changes to marbles. Snapped my back rest off and cracked my screen, think my head did that though. Also cracked some ribs. You can see the bars did their job admirably here. Bloody council (you cannot sue over here).
No one hurt too bad, good news. Bars staying on, good thinkin..
Thanks for the well wishes. I turned the bars all the way and lifted it with my back to the bike. Thank god my wife realized I did not have the kick stand down or I would have dropped on the other side lol.

The crash bars came standard for the and back.

Did a thorough wash and wax yesterday to get all of the road spray off from the rain. No damage at all. Can not even see a mark on the bars. We got lucky.
Good news in the end there Martin, very glad she was only scratched and a little sore.
Maybe the wife should "drive" next time??? Just kidding. I've laid a Sportster down and I've laid a Kingpin down. The Sportster was easy to get up. The Kingpin was much harder. I hope I never have to lift my R3T up off the ground.

I've been told that with front and rear engine bars an R3T doesn't roll over very far.