"Crash bars" question....

Once in a Blue Moon, PC, but I'll try to make it a point. That said there are some awfully nice roads and scenery up this way, too!
Dave, I had the Rivco engine guards installed before setting out across country from Florida to Washington. I had a fully loaded "tip over" in Bowling Green, KY and they did their job. Most engine guards are designed for low speed drops or tipovers. The best part about the Rivcos is that they are sturdy enough to mount highway pegs without moving.

The original stock Triumph guards were weak junk but I understand they have been improved. The rear bag guards are more cosmetic than functional. I had some and sold them with my stock bags. I thought they looked good and believe they'd work OK in a tip over but in a slide or some serious mishap would probably fold up.
I've got the "new design" Triumph bars and they appear to be rock solid. I say appear to be because they've not been tested :wink:

go to this site www.V4A.eu there you find crashbars from 42mm to even 50mm.he is a german guy who lives in zcech,he makes all kind of parts to R3 of stainless steel.top quolity.i have radiator grill he made and xxl flyscreen also.
The new Triumph ones are more sturdy, but I bet they will snap so fast at the mounting point in an impact. The old ones are soft, but flexable so in a slide they fold down the side of the bike & take a lot of the dammage.
triuumph trying to hook up with red r3 owner from new hope main st sun 05/06/12 i ride silver 05 r3 talked with red 07 r3 owner with bar risers and bigger bridgestone ? rear tire also black motored blue tan carpenter r3 in same block please respond to email or this thred never see other rockets like that like to hear make model of your tire combo need 15k from tires not 7k
Once in a Blue Moon, PC, but I'll try to make it a point. That said there are some awfully nice roads and scenery up this way, too!
I have 2005 and the bars are ok but the mounts are crap on the vertical bars at the bottom mount/flange.
The lower bars are strong (lower around engine) with thicker mount flange and the front/uppers are only 1/8th inch flange.
Bars are good but designer is asleep.ops2:

I have a set of highway pegs that the bars push forward with any pressure on pegs.

I had a machine shop cut a perfect shape of 3/16 SS plate and used it as a back to the flange.
World of difference and not will take full weight of foot/leg.

They are waterjet cut and look perfect.
Or silver engine they are almost invisible.
they had extreme setup charge, but for a small piece of SS it works.
I should have had him cut 50 and pass them out to everyone.
Yeah the Triumph ones fold & DO savedammage, but I went with Rivcos as replacements, as they brace the front , being much more rigid.You can feel the diff riding.
I have the Rivco's as well, and the only thing I don't like about them is that the front engine support bolt does not fully thread through the nut on the left side; due to the added thickness of the Rivco support brackets that attach to the bolt. The last thread inside of the nut is still visible.

While I have torqued the bolt and nut properly; and they have not loosened over thousands of accumulated mileage since; I'd like to find a longer bolt; in which it's threaded end would fully exit the nut when torqued.

Here's an old thread on it: