Crash bars, engine guards, sliders Rocket 3 R/ GT

That is correct You can see measurements on the webpage Go to Alliexpress and look up Crash Bars for Triumph Rocket 3 GT Waase is the seller and ask are the same measurements as per the drawing on your website as I know a man in New Zealand had a lot of trouble to get them to fit
Thank you for the advice.
Thanks for posting the pics I think the bars actually enhance the look of the bike, glad you were able to get them fitted.
I'm very tempted to get a set myself.
Thanks for posting the pics I think the bars actually enhance the look of the bike, glad you were able to get them fitted.
I'm very tempted to get a set myself.
Yes, Steve Such a muscle bike suits the Crash Bars. Hi all Has anyone made a sissy bar up for the R3 GT, I have a tall backpack and it wobbles around on the back carrier so a taller sissy bar would be amazing, I don't want saddle bags on the bike Many Thanks from New Zealand
These are made from thin wall aluminum, I don't see any kind of real protection. Might hold up some highway pegs or lights. All I can imagine is lawn furniture type construction that would bend and fold right up causing more damage than stock. But they do look nice. And it's nice they are so thin you can bend them to fit.
If indeed they are constructed from aluminium tubing, the I can't imagine that they would withstand any impact whilst riding.
Only perhaps if you needed to lay the bike down while manouvering the bike on your driveway, say if you slipped a bit and the weight of the bike became too much, for example.
I guess I will only know for sure if it was tested for real.....but the doubt in my mind is there.