Corrosion on lower fork tubes

I've heard that Gasoline Alley is the place to go if you want anything Harley now.

I got my licence in northern N.S.W. learners at 16 years and 9 months P plates on 17th birthday. Didn't need anyone following you on learners I was let loose on my 1972 TR6 Tiger with nothing but a cardboard L plate ocky strapped to the back of the seat and an 80 kph speed limit. If you got caught speeding you lost your learners permit but you could renew it the next day. I had a few mates who stayed on there learners for a year or more because if you went onto P plates and got caught speeding you lost your licence for 3 months. I got mine on my birthday so I could get on to my open licence as soon as possible to get away from the 250 restriction and to be legally able to have Julie on the back. Never got done for riding a 650 for the 15 months of my L plates and P's. I did have a 250 Bultaco dirt bike I rode a fare bit as well because of that law.
I clocked up the equivilent of 68 points while on my Learners Permits. Those were the days , we'd see a cop car coming the opposite way and just gun it hoping they'd turn round and chase us.. we all had our bikes set-up with toggle switches to cut the lights ... crazy !!!

Ah Those were the days I had Ducati 250 single for a first bike till I couldnt get it to go round a muddy corner on a dirt back road near Yass, got Yamy DT 360b now that was better used to squeeze 90 mph on the mad mile on the way over to Canberra local cop that I nearly run over when I was on a push bike used to follow me every where hoping I would f##k up one day after just getting my P's he followed me all the way to the Canberra border and by coincidence was lingering around there when I came back so he followed me back and waited till I was going down the main St. then hit the sirens and pulled me over then started raving like a lunatic because I had lost P plate on my trip back, he said "I told I'd get you for nearly tuning me down on the crossing" bloody small town cop syndrome or what any I made his day when I informed him I would be out of the a hole town before it got to court, which I did, I went and moved to Canberra so all they could do was ban me from riding in NSW for 3 mth's