
Im liking that Corbin seat I got from you. Went away for the weekend on the bike and it was comfy as.
And d@mn handsome it is too!

'Fast Gun Solo' with Alligator, ostrich and snake patterned leather with braided leather cordwork beading.
Nay, nay, Ish.
I've run my @HansO Utopia with custom solo seat bracket for years, until now.
My new Corbin solo has its own square back rest slot, so my Oz Utopia has been relegated second string and now quietly sits on the bench.

I've had three Corbins and loved them. I tried to find a Triumph solo seat for my Touring but they are on long term back order. Thus I'll probably go with the Corbin. When you get ready to get a backrest Steve, there are several on ebay at any given time. I got mine used for my 07 Classic, but it looked like new, on eBay for about $60 as I recall.
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I found a back rest (much less spendy than Corbin) with the square bar that fit the Corbin just fine.
Doesn't flop like a NBA player or the Corbin, but I can swing my leg over it good enough.
No way to adaot a Roadster solo to your R3T, because I have two of them???
No Steve, no way. It's a completely different mount.
Put my Utopia backrest on tonight seems I have different seats my bike didn't have the bracket on the pillion seat anyway made it fit...... feels nice will break it in soon I hope working long hours with the commonwealth games so bit hard to fit a decent ride in.
Below is the Corbin I installed on my 07 Classic. My son has it now. It was a bit difficult to fit, which is not uncommon with Corbins, because the mounting points on the saddle were just a bit off from the bike's. I had to elongate the holes on the bike mounts just a wee tad to get it to mount easily.

What was frustrating is that I bought it from Corbin and paid the full price and about two weeks later one appeared on ebay for half the cost. The seller just didn't like it. I also bought a like new one for my VStrom DL1000 on ebay for $250.