Corbin Seats - Love'em or Hate'em

Corbin Seats - Love'em or Hate'em?

  • Love my Corbin Seat

    Votes: 29 47.5%
  • Hated my Corbin Seat

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • Never Tried them

    Votes: 22 36.1%
  • It's complicated (Please post details)

    Votes: 5 8.2%

  • Total voters
I've been riding almost 60 years and have had 30+ bikes and have ridden tens of thousands of miles.
You will never find consensus around a seat! Too many variables including rider anatomy, weight, foot peg position, handlebar height and pullback, rider inseam, seating angle...even type of clothing all matter. Also, you can never tell by looking or even feeling them with your hand.
I owned a 2000 Boss Hoss on which I rode 70K miles over 11 years. It had a leather, flat, hard to the touch Corbin which one would have thought would be a butt killer but it turned out to be about the best seat I've ever had including far plushier and seemingly more ergonomic seats.
The current seat on my X Diavel S looks like it should be awful but is great! I tried an expensive Ducati certified seat which felt plushier and more anatomic but was too thick, raising me enough to have me tiptoe and made me feel like I was sliding forward....returned it!
I must say that the quality of Corbins is excellent but the only way you will know for sure is to ride one.
I just ordered a brand new 2021 R3 GT and sat on it in the showroom. Feels OK but who knows for sure?!
Same seat I had on my Boss Hoss which I thought was about the best long haul seat I've ever had. Hard, flat and comfortable as hell!
I believe Lupe did 1,600 (something like that) plus miles from Sacramento to Tulsa OK in less than 24 hours. Now that is insane! Titanium Butt award recipient.

good call out on the access to battery compartment. Def don’t want to lose my tool.