Corbin Seat - How Disappointing!

CORBIN SUCKS. I like the seat on my Harley, but the company has horrible customer service and attention to detail in manufacturing has gone down over the years.
Well you either love Corbin seats or you don't. My Corbin seat on my 05 Rocket was a thing of beauty and at the time very well put together. Sitting on it was another story. It was as hard as hell and it never broke in. I had to get off and stretch my legs and get the blood to flow back to my ass and the back of my legs after riding 100 or so miles. It looked good on the Rocket but I would never own another one.
that's all and good but every one knows that you have an iron but and gets pain shots from the dentist
Funny coincidence, but I went to the dentist today for what I thought was a routine follow up to my original surgery for implants, they cut up my mouth, mouth full of stitches, was hurting, but mich ultra, Tulamore dew and Zkittles weed have , at least temporarily, dissipated the pain. My friend since we were 8 years old is here, but proud to say, I'm the last man standing
Had a Corbin on my original 06 rocket moved it after years of use to my newer bike, been on that for 8 years now, lost a **** load of weight si it became too big for my bum but an air hawk solved that
Just bought a 2020 R3 and got a Corbin gunfighter, liked the look and needed the extra seat size, it has met all expectation. Yeah it is hard but the old seat was not much fun for the first few thousand, I think the bum and brain get used to it. If still too hard it’s airhawk time.
Service from Corbin was exceptional, it blew me away the customised seat was ordered and delivered delivered to my door of the west coast of Australia 24 days after later. It was a simple fit (unlike my previous Corbin) pretty as a picture, well finished love the fact that the rubber are clear of the rear guard so not chafing all the time,
I am a believer
If FASHION is the goal, I have nothing to add to this conversation.

If COMFORT is the goal, the Russell Day-Long is the final answer.

I've seen dozens of posts over the years on many different forums, all saying basically once you buy a seat from Corbin, they are completely unresponsive to any attempt to contact them or resolve issues.
I sent mine back as the snake skin cover peeled, they recovered with my choice of black vinyl free of charge. I can say excellent customer service.