Corbin Seat Configurator

Got one... after riding a few times with it... yes, reallyyyy worth.

I got it mostly for the wife
Original one is not very pilion passenger friendly.
What is their name for the pilion backrest? Do you remember?
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I got it mostly for the wife
Original one is not very pilion passenger friendly.
What is their name for the pilion backrest? Do you remember?
Hi Arek,
Per Corbin order, they called it
TR3-PAD Sissy Bar Pad, 2020 Rocket III
Hi Arek,
Per Corbin order, they called it
TR3-PAD Sissy Bar Pad, 2020 Rocket III
Thanks . Just got a delayed confirmation order from them. I wasn't sure if I included it but it looks I did.
Just a waiting time 6-8 weeks. Luckily it's winter lol