Cooling fan on constantly

Good call Herman.

did not mean to downplay your thread to change rad cap
a good idea the original cap is not much quality and mine was leaking just easily bent back and stopped the leak i need new cap myself.
Thanks for that very helpful, so where is the air bleed screw located? I know there is a bleed screw above the thermo housing to let air out when adding coolant, but I’m guessing you don’t mean that one. Took out water pump today and it’s working fine and turning freely, so I am sure that’s not causing the over heating. Only thing left to check is the thermostat itself, is it opening and closing at the set temperature it should? Should I take it out to see? Pop it in hot water with a thermometer and see if it opens etc etc?
yes the bleed screw is there at the thermostat that is the one i was referring to.
that needs to be bleed if it has air in the block
i would recommend a thermal gun so u can tell the different temps. u can measure temp at the thermostat / head/ pipes which runs 330 t0 600 depending on your tune.
when i ride i can move my feet in a lot of diff positions from front (cool/cold) to rear (hot) on the brake shield very hot
Hey thanks very much, i’ll run all that you suggested.