I have a unique problem. I bought a 2010 Touring with a bad engine. The P.O. had started taking stuff off of it then decided it was too much for him and one of the things he had removed was the radiator and reservoir tank. I have pulled the engine, replaced the crank, and a rod. (spun bearing) I got her back together now and I am nearly ready to fill it with coolant. I managed to get the radiator in place and I think the reservoir is mounted to the right place but I don't know where all the little hoses go. I hoped someone could look at theirs and let me know, the service manual is no help and neither are the parts diagrams. I didn't see anything on this site that would help me but maybe I am not using the right search terms.
To aid in getting answers I will number which things I am confused about. All I am asking about is the smaller aprox. 3/8" hoses.
1) Top of radiator just under cap -Left side (to me this would be the overflow but I am an old car guy mainly)
2) Bottom of radiator opposite side of the cap (Right)
3) Top of Reservoir
4) Bottom of Reservoir
5) Small metal pipe just below where the upper radiator hose enters engine. (Not positive this is coolant but based on placing I am guessing it is. If it is however I seem to have an odd number of connections. Possibly I am missing a 'T' or something?)
If someone can tell #3 goes to #1 or something like that it would be most helpful. I tried to guess based on the length of the hoses but I don't want to jack this thing up at this point. Even if you don't know where all of them go any help would be appreciated.
I really appreciate you fine bunch of nice folks, so THANK YOU in advance!!!!