Hello bros. Came from 300 mile trip today and parked by the garage. Went home and come back out after 30 min. and noticed coolant leaked from little hose Andre the bike. Any idea why or what ?
Hello bros. Came from 300 mile trip today and parked by the garage. Went home and come back out after 30 min. and noticed coolant leaked from little hose Andre the bike. Any idea why or what ?
That is probably the overflow tank overflowing. Might be time for a new radiator cap. Your coolant level is probably too low now and make sure its not too weak. There is a bleeder screw right by the thermostat they needs to be removed when adding coolant. Fill till it runs out the hole. Next would be thermostat itself.
Hello bros. Came from 300 mile trip today and parked by the garage. Went home and come back out after 30 min. and noticed coolant leaked from little hose Andre the bike. Any idea why or what ?