Bull, how long does it take that inflator to get the rear tire up to riding pressure?

I have only added air so far. Have not inflated a totally flat tire.
They claim 100PSI max and 4.5 Amps @ 40lbs.
All customer reviews are 5 star and glowing!
I would reckon tis NOT the unit to use if you are in a timed race!
Y'all can use that jump starter as the paddles o' life (defibrillator) on yourselves when your wives ( who will kill you with a look alone) find out whatcha' been talkin' about here!
400 - 600 CCA?
Are they 'saddlebag' sized like the one Bull posted?

They all measure about 7" x 3" X 1" and weigh about a pound. I am always amazed with their performance.

This one should do the job as it's rated at a Max of 650 amps.
I've heard (not researched) that some of the new technology; performs poorly at cold temps.
And as most batteries are rated by cca instead of max amps; I'm curious why they wouldn't make that info easier to find.

But, if it will turn the Rocket over in sub freezing weather it's a no brainier. Will it charge through a 12v accessory plug?

I assume it depends on the brand/model. I have 4 of them representing 3 different brands and all mine can be charged via 12v and includes the accessory plug. I think perhaps most of these are manufactured by a few companies and then are slightly modified for different brands/sellers. I have had excellent performance from all of mine.

Regarding cold, I always keep good batteries in my sleds and haven't had to use them on my own machines but I have used them on friends' snowmobiles with no problems.

This item is going to be on sale at Amazon at 6.14PM today. Gooloo GP180 jump starter power bank
I'm not going to say anything good or bad about this product,but when i saw the guy on TV start his car without the battery i checked the reviews out on YT and found a lot of different opinions. It seems cold starts are a problem some have wire gauge that melted etc etc. Would be curios to see what you think of the product. Even if it only worked once in an emergency that would be a good thing. I like how compact it is.
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