Compiled Dynos, I was bored

Trirocket, I have a good pic of yours, but, as you mention it would considerably alter the graph range

Once I get my head back from Bob, I'll add a plot of a configuration no one has published a dyno for from Carpenter. Oversized Ti valves, .465 intake cam (the big one), normal carp exhaust cam, stock pistons/rods. I'm guessing there will be more low end, less top end, than other 265 kits by a bit, somewhere between the 240 and 265 plots above.
THE STOCK ROCKET has all the low and midrange power you can use
Perhaps it has all the midrange power YOU can use, it certainly doesn't have all of that I can use...

You get that one of the main advantages of a Triple vs a 4 Cylinder is that it has a BROADER torque curve starting lower and tapering off a little more up top right? A tractable bike with mid and top range that is smooth and evenly applied will outrun a peaky animal that has harsh power transitions on the graph IN REAL LIFE ON REAL STREETS. The ONLY place that peaky engine has an advantage is the drag strip.

See all the mid 2000 comparisons of a ZX-6R/R6 vs GSXR-600/CBR600RR. The first two are SUPER peaky power, the second are broader power with better mid range punch. Guess which bikes are the favorites of test riders...on and off track...

I'm sure she will stretch your arms when you get that Carpenter top end fitted.
Since that dyno mine has had more flowing, bigger valves, lots of other stuff, & 3 years ago Nev made me some new cams that are bigger than the 465 you are getting.
Jesus mang!

I honestly wonder, can you even give full throttle in 3rd without the front end rising or spinning up the back anymore?
Jesus mang!

I honestly wonder, can you even give full throttle in 3rd without the front end rising or spinning up the back anymore?

well on the subject I have the Nev piston/cam kit installed and his chain tensioner as well plus jardine and ramair but I have yet to look at 6500 rpm on the tach always running out of straight roadways or balls whichever comes first I cannot figure out how you stay in the saddle after passing 4000rpm.

there was a poker run this sunday around here about 60 harleys showed up with the few regular BMW and riceburners I mingled and enjoyed chatting in this semi alien crowd for a while knowing I carried the largest baseball bat and not having to show it to prove power over noise
YEP those little 600s are another story as are all the small displacement bikes BUT 1/4 mile performance wins races if thats what your looking to do other wise why not just buy a larger displacement bike like a 750 or 1000 ? they are all about the same size and weight And we modify all the sportbikes to suit the owners depending on what they want to accomplish
I go through enough rear tires on a "almost" stock Roadster..... I could imagine how fast the tires would get eat up on some of these bikes.